What will you get by looking upward to Jesus? Comfort and strength in all the daily battle of life. What thought more cheering than the thought that Jesus is ever looking at you and watching over you! What idea more strengthening than the idea that you are never alone, never forgotten, never neglected, never without a Friend who is "able to save to the uttermost all them who come unto God by Him!" This daily upward look at Jesus is a most important point. J.C.Ryle.
This was part of today’s daily message I receive in my email each day, and before I left to visit my Oncologist at the Vancouver Cancer Center I was encouraged by this. After my visit with the Oncologist I realized that this is indeed the message I needed for today’s CT scan results.
The news I received from my Oncologist was not what I had hoped or prayed for nor did I expect it. It showed that the cancer continues to grow and that the cancer is spreading. Beside both of my lungs it has now appeared on the bottom of my spine and on the only adrenal gland I have left. Also the lymph nodes in my chest showed cancer. With this message I was given the choice of a new clinical trial Chemotherapy or do nothing for the next 4-6 weeks. We will now have to prayerfully consider the next step.
I am coming more and more to the realization that this for real. It may sound strange, but up to now I have had no side effects, pain or discomforts from the cancer itself. The past Chemo treatments made me very sick, to the point that I had to quit treatments at the end of January. I think Henrietta put it in the right perspective today, tell someone that he has the flu and is very sick, all the while this person is feeling fine showing no outward symptoms. I feel just like that, just fine, yet I know that it is not going good inside.
I asked my Oncologist why I am feeling so good, he said count your blessings. Some people that have this kind of cancer have great discomfort or pain. I find it difficult to express how I feel today; one thing I know, life is going to end, for you and for me. The question is not really when but are we ready to meet our Maker.
Driving home we spoke about the goodness of our Lord, how that we are blessed even today when we are still being able to spend this time together. Many exchange life with death in a moment while we still get this time together with our loved ones. Time to prepare, time to talk, time to pray, time to rejoice, time to enjoy Gods creation on our daily walks, time to pray for others.
Today it is 39 years ago that I immigrated to Canada, how time has flown by, yet we can look back at many and great blessings. It is good when looking back to see Gods countless blessings in our life, looking forward I find hard to do at this time, however, I do believe that God will continue to bless us and watch over us.
As I said, the decision to start Chemo treatments will have to be made soon. Please pray with us and for us and that God will still give healing. By God all things are possible.
God bless you all.
O teach Thou us to count our days
And set our hearts on wisdom's ways;
Turn, Lord, to us in our distress,
In pity now Thy servants bless;
Let mercy's dawn dispel our night,
And all our day with joy be bright,
And all our day with joy be bright
2 Cor. 4 16-18
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
For My thoughts are not your thoughts.........
Today it is the day before I am getting my CT scan results. This morning’s personal devotion led me to read Isaiah 55: 4-13 but especially the verses 8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
I am not looking up against tomorrow, actually the opposite is true, yet I wonder what the results will be this time. Am I going to be back on Chemotherapy or has God stopped the cancer or taken it away completely? Tomorrow I will know.
I am not looking up against tomorrow, actually the opposite is true, yet I wonder what the results will be this time. Am I going to be back on Chemotherapy or has God stopped the cancer or taken it away completely? Tomorrow I will know.
My thoughts are often ahead of Gods dealing with me and I think of the time when God will completely heal me or stop the cancer. My thoughts then multiply of the work that I feel God wants me to do and I come to the text in Luke 9:23 If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily , and follow me. These words from Jesus can speak so powerful in my heart and I wonder what it all means for me personally, taking up His cross daily. All these questions can come to mind and I can only lay them before God in prayer and ask if I can patiently follow Him, no matter what life brings. Patience and Faith, I need so much of it and I feel at times that I fall short of both. This song comes to mind:
’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to trust His cleansing blood;
And in simple faith to plunge me
’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease;
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace.
I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that Thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end.
I just needed to write this for today and plan to write again tomorrow or the day after with the results. In the meantime we continue to pray for healing, Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Home Sweet Home
After a beautiful vacation in The Netherlands we returned to our home and loved ones. We had a remarkable and blessed time in Holland, visiting family and friends and at the same time enjoying the country itself with its huge variety of things to do and brushing up on our Dutch and its customs.
It’s funny to experience and at the same time really neat to see how different people are in Holland compared to Canada. The Dutch folks love there fries with mayonnaise and raw herring with onions and many more of these kind of delicacies. Henrietta and I joined them, the result was that we gained few pounds, but hey, they’ll come off quickly.
One of the highlights that we enjoyed was a Dutch wedding that lasted into the early hours of the morning and many good visits with family and friends. We also enjoyed a visit with my cousin who lives with her husband and family in a working windmill. We also enjoyed an evening of singing in one of the oldest cathedrals in Holland. This evening was professionally recorded and will be sent out at a later date. Once it is posted I will link it in one of the posts on this blog.
On one occasion we had rented bikes at the hotel we stayed at for a few days, on our very long bike ride through forest and heather fields we encountered a shepherd who watched over his flock of 650 sheep.
We spoke with this third generation shepherd for quite some time and about his work but also about how God uses shepherd and sheep as examples in the Bible. He knew all about it because he too was a Christian. It was amazing to see how his dogs kept the flock together while listening to the quiet commands of the shepherd.
The tranquil setting of the shepherd and his sheep made my thoughts wander back to the Bible where shepherds were people of little importance, yet they were the first to hear about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and are mentioned about 75 times in the Bible and sheep are mentioned about 179 times. What also came to mind when we saw the shepherd from far away is the story of the lost sheep, thanks to the shepherd of this flock, I did not see any stray sheep, however if the shepherd would not have been there most would have strayed far from home. God, our Shepherd, cares for us the same way by keeping us close to Him, and when we stray he reminds us of it in many different ways.
Do you have Jesus as your Shepherd in this life? Jesus is most willing to be your shepherd, the question is, are you willing? Jesus calls you in Matthew 11: 28 Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
On May 25, I will receive a CT scan with the results on May 30. I am looking forward to receive the results next week. We are still praying for complete healing. I hope and pray that Chemo treatments are not going to happen anytime soon or ever again, however, if this would be the case I pray that God will give grace and courage to take treatments again. Presently I feel fine and even during our time away all went well.
Next week after receiving the CT scan results I hope to post again, until then may God be with you. Thanking you for your prayers.
Remembering those who died during the second world war. |
Wedding party and guests going for a lunch cruise through the canals of Leiden. |
My princess and me at the wedding |
A relaxed visit with family at their windmill at Kinderdijk. |
Looking from the inside out |
Watching over his flocks by day |
Hard to believe that this sign means " cattle guard" ahead |
The tranquil setting of the shepherd and his sheep made my thoughts wander back to the Bible where shepherds were people of little importance, yet they were the first to hear about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and are mentioned about 75 times in the Bible and sheep are mentioned about 179 times. What also came to mind when we saw the shepherd from far away is the story of the lost sheep, thanks to the shepherd of this flock, I did not see any stray sheep, however if the shepherd would not have been there most would have strayed far from home. God, our Shepherd, cares for us the same way by keeping us close to Him, and when we stray he reminds us of it in many different ways.
Do you have Jesus as your Shepherd in this life? Jesus is most willing to be your shepherd, the question is, are you willing? Jesus calls you in Matthew 11: 28 Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Quaint little city of Culemborg on the water. |
Next week after receiving the CT scan results I hope to post again, until then may God be with you. Thanking you for your prayers.
Never be tired of speaking of Christ
Do you ever try to do good to others? If you do, remember to tell them about Christ. Tell the young, tell the poor, tell the aged, tell the ignorant, tell the sick, tell the dying - tell them all about Christ. Tell them of His power, and tell them of His love; tell them of His doings, and tell them of His feelings; tell them what He has done for the chief of sinners; tell them what He is willing to do until the last day of time; tell it to them over and over again. Never be tired of speaking of Christ. Say to them broadly and fully, freely and unconditionally, unreservedly and undoubtingly, ‘Come unto Christ, as the penitent thief did; come unto Christ, and you shall be saved.’
Monday, 14 May 2012
All one in Christ
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Sunday evening we were listening to Pastor G. preach, suddenly our oldest son began to quote the text above. He had heard the Pastor mention the words Jew and Gentile, and immediately felt the need to quote and explain the meaning of Gal. 3:28. It dawned on me that children are sponges, their brains absorb everything. We need to share the gospel with them as early as possible.
(This excerpt is the second part of our Dominican trip experience.)
On our trip we were privileged to hand out Bibles and colouring books with Bible versus for the young children. (If you would like to see a samples, go to Bible Verse Coloring books.) We handed out the colouring books to some of the younger children, but soon realised that even the older children were interested. Many children there don't own a colouring book. Someone had kindly donated little packages of crayons to the mission, so we were able to attach them to each booklet.
Rosalyn and Ray were very excited with their new colouring books
We also shared the colouring books with a local Pastor, he was going to hand them out at the next Sunday school class. Here are some of the Pastors children eagerly colouring.
Before we left, someone gave a donation towards a washing machine and dryer. New Hope was in desperate need of a proper washer and dryer to sanitize the girls' clothes. We shopped around at several appliance stores in order to find the best deal. When it comes to appliances, a good deal is hard to find, they are outrageously expensive there. We finally ended up at a store called, "Price Smart", it is equivalent to our Cost-co. As a matter of fact, they carried several items with the Kirkland brand on them. God gave us an amazing deal here, there was a washer and dryer set completely assembled and for an amazing price. The only problem was, Price Smart didn't deliver, so what to do? You call a local taxi truck and he will deliver!
The delivery truck
Fresh fruit is so tasty when ripened on the tree. I don't know if we've ever eaten so much pineapple in one week. Each day, on our way to La Vega, we bought from locals who walked with an arm full of pineapples through traffic. They would get so excited if we waved them over to buy from them, I think they did fairly well while were there!
All the girls at New Hope received new socks. The socks all had coloured bottoms, so each girl received socks with their favourite colour on them. It was so neat to see how a few pairs of socks could make children so excited. Sophia and Joy sorted through clothes to see what would fit whom. Each girl was given a "new" outfit, they were so excited to try them on and show us. It's amazing how little items we take for granted are treasured there.
Sophia and Joy sorting clothes
The Girls eagerly awaiting as all the items are pulled out of the boxes
I will include a picture of the flip flops the women make and sell. They are super comfy and beautiful. You are able to order them through their Facebook account, "New Hope Girls Academy" or by emailing using the website, with the same name.
Well, I was intending this to be the last post about our trip, but it appears I still have more pictures and stories to share. Hopefully I will have time later this week to complete another entry.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
New Hope
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

I recall saying to my husband Chad, "Wouldn't it be great if we could collect $1000 for New Hope?" We sent out emails and made phone calls, and God moved hearts to give. God opened hearts and the gifts surpassed our expectations. Who would have imagined this? I felt awful for belittling our God. He does miracles, miracles so great we can't even fathom them! Many people gave other items that were needed, we are so grateful. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Sophia and I left on April 20 to head to Seattle airport, our flight left at 11:00pm but with a three hour drive ahead, we decided to leave on time. We flew a red eye flight, I managed to snooze most of the way there, while Sophia closed an eye here and there. We arrived in Santiago, Dominican Republic at 12:00 noon, dropped off our bags and headed over to one of the local swimming pools to meet up with our friends Sherilyn and Anthony Koster. We enjoyed our afternoon lounging around and catching a few rays of sun! We had a great time of conversation and headed to Joy and Vidal's house around 5:00 pm. Joy and Vidal are the people that started New Hope Girls Academy in Dominican Republic.
On Sunday we enjoyed going to one of the local churches where many of the teachers from Santiago Christian School attend. (thankfully you could wear a head set which had the sermon translated into English) After Church we went home with Sherilyn and Anthony and spent the entire day relaxing there.
Monday was a transforming day. Even Joy and Vidal couldn't have predicted what we were about to see. Upon arrival at New Hope Girls school, there was a new child sitting amongst the other students. Her Father had dropped her off with a tiny bag of clothes. Here was this child, small, and alone. Her hope was "New Hope", the name is very suiting. I can honestly say, this little girls story impacted me deeply. I cannot share the details, but it caused me to contemplate all the blessings we have in North America, we live in a dream! I will post a picture of her belongings, I'm sure if we had to pack up everything we owned, it wouldn't fit in a Safeway bag.

I will try and give you a glimpse of what the rest of the week looked like. After spending quite a bit of time at the Girls school, we headed over to Rosa's house. She is the women behind the flip flops and purses. God has given this women many talents, her cooking was amazing, but her sewing abilities are incredible! In November, when my husband and I visited we gave Rosa a pattern for a purse, she took it and ran with it. They are currently sewing purses and designing flip flops with beads that they sell. Between November and now Rosa had saved up enough money to buy a moped. She can now bring her children to school instead of paying for a taxi. The picture below is with Dahlia and I on the moped bringing the Serger away to be repaired. Sophia and I brought a Serger along for them so that their projects would be completed faster, but the timing on the machine needed to be adjusted.

The workshop where the women work has dirt floors, a tin roof (which has so many holes in it, that when it rains the women can't work) and old tree branches holding it up. Someone generously gave money to have this totally rebuilt. When Joy shared this with Rosa, she covered her face with her hands and exclaimed, "Thank you Jesus"! Rosa has several women working along side her, but guards her house carefully from gossip and evil. She's a true example of what we need to be as Christians! We were also able to purchase some Rubber-maid totes for the material. Rosa was so excited she raised them above her head and exclaimed once again, "thank you Jesus"! The progress of the building will be shared on the New Hope Blog located here
We brought along Bibles and coloring books. One box of Bibles was given to a Taxi driver who Chad and I met in November. Many people in his church cannot afford to purchase a Bible and we promised we would bring more Bibles to them. The people there are so hungry for God's Word! The other box of Bibles was given to a Pastor which lives at the bottom of the mountain where the girls school is located (see picture below) When we asked him if he wanted the Bibles, he said in Spanish, "There's a soul for everyone of these Bibles, I'm on my way to a revival meeting right now"! Because we were experiencing torrential rains that day, He placed them in a big garbage bag and off he went on his motorcycle.

The Women's workshop

The Pastor with the Bibles
"God can move the mountains", echoed over the Valley of La Vega as the girls sang for us before we headed off. They sat in front of the window of the girls school singing praises to God. For many of these girls, God has moved mountains! For them, New Hope is a safe place and a place where they find New Hope! They learn about Jesus being their Saviour, life skills, reading, writing, and math. Many of these these things we take for granted. I will stop writing before this post becomes a book! We ask that you will remember to pray for Joy and Vidal. When you work there, it is evident that Satan isn't happy with what they are doing. He constantly is trying to discourage, but we know our God is Greater! Please pray that they will be encouraged by our Heavenly Father.

The evening we left
I hope to add another post about our trip next week.
I recall saying to my husband Chad, "Wouldn't it be great if we could collect $1000 for New Hope?" We sent out emails and made phone calls, and God moved hearts to give. God opened hearts and the gifts surpassed our expectations. Who would have imagined this? I felt awful for belittling our God. He does miracles, miracles so great we can't even fathom them! Many people gave other items that were needed, we are so grateful. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Sophia and I left on April 20 to head to Seattle airport, our flight left at 11:00pm but with a three hour drive ahead, we decided to leave on time. We flew a red eye flight, I managed to snooze most of the way there, while Sophia closed an eye here and there. We arrived in Santiago, Dominican Republic at 12:00 noon, dropped off our bags and headed over to one of the local swimming pools to meet up with our friends Sherilyn and Anthony Koster. We enjoyed our afternoon lounging around and catching a few rays of sun! We had a great time of conversation and headed to Joy and Vidal's house around 5:00 pm. Joy and Vidal are the people that started New Hope Girls Academy in Dominican Republic.
On Sunday we enjoyed going to one of the local churches where many of the teachers from Santiago Christian School attend. (thankfully you could wear a head set which had the sermon translated into English) After Church we went home with Sherilyn and Anthony and spent the entire day relaxing there.
Monday was a transforming day. Even Joy and Vidal couldn't have predicted what we were about to see. Upon arrival at New Hope Girls school, there was a new child sitting amongst the other students. Her Father had dropped her off with a tiny bag of clothes. Here was this child, small, and alone. Her hope was "New Hope", the name is very suiting. I can honestly say, this little girls story impacted me deeply. I cannot share the details, but it caused me to contemplate all the blessings we have in North America, we live in a dream! I will post a picture of her belongings, I'm sure if we had to pack up everything we owned, it wouldn't fit in a Safeway bag.
I will try and give you a glimpse of what the rest of the week looked like. After spending quite a bit of time at the Girls school, we headed over to Rosa's house. She is the women behind the flip flops and purses. God has given this women many talents, her cooking was amazing, but her sewing abilities are incredible! In November, when my husband and I visited we gave Rosa a pattern for a purse, she took it and ran with it. They are currently sewing purses and designing flip flops with beads that they sell. Between November and now Rosa had saved up enough money to buy a moped. She can now bring her children to school instead of paying for a taxi. The picture below is with Dahlia and I on the moped bringing the Serger away to be repaired. Sophia and I brought a Serger along for them so that their projects would be completed faster, but the timing on the machine needed to be adjusted.
The workshop where the women work has dirt floors, a tin roof (which has so many holes in it, that when it rains the women can't work) and old tree branches holding it up. Someone generously gave money to have this totally rebuilt. When Joy shared this with Rosa, she covered her face with her hands and exclaimed, "Thank you Jesus"! Rosa has several women working along side her, but guards her house carefully from gossip and evil. She's a true example of what we need to be as Christians! We were also able to purchase some Rubber-maid totes for the material. Rosa was so excited she raised them above her head and exclaimed once again, "thank you Jesus"! The progress of the building will be shared on the New Hope Blog located here
We brought along Bibles and coloring books. One box of Bibles was given to a Taxi driver who Chad and I met in November. Many people in his church cannot afford to purchase a Bible and we promised we would bring more Bibles to them. The people there are so hungry for God's Word! The other box of Bibles was given to a Pastor which lives at the bottom of the mountain where the girls school is located (see picture below) When we asked him if he wanted the Bibles, he said in Spanish, "There's a soul for everyone of these Bibles, I'm on my way to a revival meeting right now"! Because we were experiencing torrential rains that day, He placed them in a big garbage bag and off he went on his motorcycle.
The Women's workshop
The Pastor with the Bibles
"God can move the mountains", echoed over the Valley of La Vega as the girls sang for us before we headed off. They sat in front of the window of the girls school singing praises to God. For many of these girls, God has moved mountains! For them, New Hope is a safe place and a place where they find New Hope! They learn about Jesus being their Saviour, life skills, reading, writing, and math. Many of these these things we take for granted. I will stop writing before this post becomes a book! We ask that you will remember to pray for Joy and Vidal. When you work there, it is evident that Satan isn't happy with what they are doing. He constantly is trying to discourage, but we know our God is Greater! Please pray that they will be encouraged by our Heavenly Father.
The evening we left
I hope to add another post about our trip next week.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
There’s two ways to solve a Rubik’s Cube.
There’s two ways to solve a Rubik’s Cube; one is to peel the stickers off and cheat, the other is to toil over the thing until you learn how to do it correctly.
I think it’s like that with our Christian lives. We can cheat ourselves by peeling the stickers off and putting them in the right places so the world thinks we’re all set and good. The alternative is to do some toiling of our own. Searching our own hearts if we are truly in the faith.
Jack Westerink, a brother in the Lord who has ALS recently wrote the following on his blog ” just because you are dying, it doesn't mean that you stop living” a statement that is so true and should speak to us all. It begs the question; will we still be here when the sun rises in the morning? At times it is said “we are still in the land of the living”. When I hear that statement I always have the inclination to correct it into “we are in the land of the dying”.
It made me think of the young girl who received a gift from her boyfriend to go on a tandem hang gliding jump from one of the local mountains here this week. Only seconds into the flight she fell some 300 meters to her death. She had expected to land in a green pasture maybe 30 minutes later. Instead she died and met her Maker that day. Even if you don’t hang glide, death can come at anytime, the question is, are we ready.
I want to share an amazing sermon I heard on Sunday at our church, you can listen to it here. It gave me renewed hope and courage to go on. God is doing great things in our lives. I hope you will take the time to listen. This sermon on Hebrews 12: 1-2 gave me much courage, how that we are to run the race that is set before us. Yes, we will encounter difficult times during our race, however, if we keep our eyes on Christ we will be able to endure until the end.
I feel so well that we decided a few weeks ago to go for 18 days to the Netherlands, the country of my birth. Some of highlights of this trip are to attend a wedding, visit family and be part of recording and broadcast of Christian music, Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs accompanied by choirs and orchestra and a variety of other instruments including audience participation. We can sing to our hearts desire on May 15 in one of the oldest Gothic Basilica Cathedrals in Holland, dating back to 1470. That makes this Cathedral 540 years old. Once we get back, Lord willing, I hope to post a recording of this event.
Because I don’t have to be back until May 25 for a CT scan we are able to go to Europe. The doctors felt it was no problem for me to go. On May 30 I hope to get the CT scan results. We continue to pray for complete healing, and I continue to believe with all my heart that God can do the impossible. I continue to feel good and wonder at times what is happening inside and look forward to the scan results.
The next time I will write on my blog will be the last week of May, Lord willing. However there will be others that will fill in for me. Our daughters Stephanie and Sophia returned safely from Dominican Republic after a safe but moving journey. They will tell you all about it, I am sure you will enjoy reading about their experiences.
Until then I wish you God’s blessings, God be with you till we meet again.
I think it’s like that with our Christian lives. We can cheat ourselves by peeling the stickers off and putting them in the right places so the world thinks we’re all set and good. The alternative is to do some toiling of our own. Searching our own hearts if we are truly in the faith.
Jack Westerink, a brother in the Lord who has ALS recently wrote the following on his blog ” just because you are dying, it doesn't mean that you stop living” a statement that is so true and should speak to us all. It begs the question; will we still be here when the sun rises in the morning? At times it is said “we are still in the land of the living”. When I hear that statement I always have the inclination to correct it into “we are in the land of the dying”.
It made me think of the young girl who received a gift from her boyfriend to go on a tandem hang gliding jump from one of the local mountains here this week. Only seconds into the flight she fell some 300 meters to her death. She had expected to land in a green pasture maybe 30 minutes later. Instead she died and met her Maker that day. Even if you don’t hang glide, death can come at anytime, the question is, are we ready.
I want to share an amazing sermon I heard on Sunday at our church, you can listen to it here. It gave me renewed hope and courage to go on. God is doing great things in our lives. I hope you will take the time to listen. This sermon on Hebrews 12: 1-2 gave me much courage, how that we are to run the race that is set before us. Yes, we will encounter difficult times during our race, however, if we keep our eyes on Christ we will be able to endure until the end.
I feel so well that we decided a few weeks ago to go for 18 days to the Netherlands, the country of my birth. Some of highlights of this trip are to attend a wedding, visit family and be part of recording and broadcast of Christian music, Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs accompanied by choirs and orchestra and a variety of other instruments including audience participation. We can sing to our hearts desire on May 15 in one of the oldest Gothic Basilica Cathedrals in Holland, dating back to 1470. That makes this Cathedral 540 years old. Once we get back, Lord willing, I hope to post a recording of this event.
Because I don’t have to be back until May 25 for a CT scan we are able to go to Europe. The doctors felt it was no problem for me to go. On May 30 I hope to get the CT scan results. We continue to pray for complete healing, and I continue to believe with all my heart that God can do the impossible. I continue to feel good and wonder at times what is happening inside and look forward to the scan results.
The next time I will write on my blog will be the last week of May, Lord willing. However there will be others that will fill in for me. Our daughters Stephanie and Sophia returned safely from Dominican Republic after a safe but moving journey. They will tell you all about it, I am sure you will enjoy reading about their experiences.
Until then I wish you God’s blessings, God be with you till we meet again.
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