2 Cor. 4 16-18

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Friday, 28 September 2012

Which way ?

There we were, back standing on the corner of Soi Cowboy. I met and encountered two men from Europe, fresh off the long flight into Bangkok. I talked to them for a few minutes and was left with a revelation that I've had in the past, but this time it was made clearer.

They were eager to get their month long adventure started in the first few hours of their arrival. They explained to me how they had just met some other travelers down the street at another bar. These guys gave them a "road map" to maximizing their travel experience in Bangkok and around Thailand with instructions scribbled on a dingy napkin mapping out all the must see bars and places; which is what had led them to the red-light district at Soi Cowboy in the first place."Interesting", I thought as a great contrast was forming in my mind.

In the course of our time spent talking to each other we were actually able to get to a place of some depth, as they probed to find out why I had come to this place on this night. I explained that I come frequently but for different reasons than most which then led to deeper conversation focused on real love and purpose, eventually and briefly, faith. I was quite shocked as I received respectful and interested nods in return.At the end after wishing each other well, the revelation I had was clear.

It amazed me how influenced we can be -- either in a positive way or negatively. It was ironic to see them walk away having received two different views of life that night. One to follow the crowd into a successful experience of bar hopping and sexual encounters the other about taking the time to think about our lives, choices, purpose, and what we really want and need.
We are always being discipled, the question is: By what or by whom?

With this introduction I want to introduce you to the writer of this article, Chris Lenty from MST Project. (MST stands for “Men and the Sex Trade”)

As I had mentioned in my last blog entry I would tell you a little more about our visit to Southern California last week. It has been several years ago that I made contact with Chris, the founder of MST Project. What caused me to contact MST Project was an experience I will never forget.

Some 4 years ago I travelled with Henrietta to Cambodia to visit friends who worked there as teachers in an international Christian school. On our flight to Cambodia I sat beside a dentist from N. America who told me that he was exploring Cambodia to see if he could help the local people. I was impressed by his story and upon departing we wished him well.

The very same day of our arrival we spent some time in the city of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, to explore our new surroundings. It was very warm that day and as we sat on an outdoor patio of a local restaurant Henrietta observed the same dentist we had met earlier on our flight. Henrietta asked me, is that the same dentist you spoke to on the airplane? I said yes indeed it is. Here was the dentist with his beautiful story who now was accompanied by a local Cambodia girl with whom he departed shortly afterwards walking hand in hand. We encountered him once more that same week with another girl.

Many Western men of all walks of life can be observed in this fashion in many Asian countries where they prey on the local girls or children for sex. This encounter touched me deeply and as time went by great passion has grown within me to help these men. Men that are broken, men that have often lost their way in society, men that are sinners just like we all are, men that need Christ and need to hear the Gospel and the Hope that lies in it.

A year before I was diagnosed with cancer I searched for organizations that did exactly that kind of work. Bringing the Gospel to those who the world rejects because of their behaviour or orientation, yet it was those very people that Jesus had great compassion on. Just to name a few examples from the Bible brings us to the women by the well in John 4: 8-18 or the women caught in adultery in John 8: 2-12 when Jesus proclaimed "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."

My search brought me in touch with Chris and his wife Nui who started this small organization some 12 years ago. These folks have a heart for the lost, the ones that are rejected by the world. Chris and Nui were visiting in the USA in the last four months and we took the opportunity to go and meet them in California. It was a blessed time where we also had the opportunity to be at one of his presentations where he shared his calling from God to bring the Gospel to a broken people. Henrietta and I walked away with a renewed outlook and new perspective to this work. I am praying that God will give me the opportunity to one day join Chris in this beautiful but difficult work. In the meantime we are here in Chilliwack where God wants us to be right now.

I highly recommend you visit the MST Project website and view 4 short video clips or you can read about many other aspects of their work. Read about their encounters with men, read the blogs or see the prayer wall of those whom they meet. Maybe your heart is inclined to help financially or be part of this worthwhile ministry.

I truly believe we all need to look at our own lives and meditate on the words in Proverbs 20: 9 "Who can say, I have made my heart pure; I am clean from my sin"? We all need heart renewing Grace each day again, if you don’t posses it, pray for it, repent and believe on Him.

Personally, I had a good week and was able to do some gardening and yard work. It made me feel good as the weather is so beautiful. God is so good, each day again He showers us with blessings.
On October 1, I will be going into Vancouver for a CT Scan and Bone Scan to see how things are going inside of me. It will be a busy week of testing and doctor visits. On October 4 I hope to receive the results of the CT and Bone Scan. On October 5, I will see a Cardio Oncologist in regards to my heart function. My heart appears to be affected by the Chemo treatments and I will hear how they hope to address this.

Please continue to remember us in your prayers. The text from John 16 : 16 is much on my mind “ You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.17 These things I command you, so that you will love one another.”
God be with you all, He cares for you.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

On eagles wings

It’s been a long time since I posted, too long. I know that I should have posted much sooner but circumstances just did not allow me, and there were days when I wrote a posting in my mind and just could not put it on paper.

Some weeks have passed, good days and difficult days, especially in the last couple of days I have spent a good amount of time in bed, feeling very nauseated, tired and feeling the results of the Chemo treatments. It leaves me caring little about this world and what goes on around me, it appears that the discomfort of the body takes the cares of this life away. Yet I have to say that the Lord has been so good to me, sending people on my path that give me courage but above all God’s Word, the Bible, gives me courage when doubts enter into my life.

This morning I was so blessed by reading Isaiah 40 where it speaks about comfort for Gods people, but also how fleeting this life is when the human race is compared to grass. It flourishes today but tomorrow it withers just like beautiful flowers that wither. It speaks about God’s greatness how that He measures the oceans in the hollow of His hands and weighs the mountains. Nations are as a drop in a bucket and God stretches out the heavens like a curtain, these are just a few examples that Isaiah writes about God’s greatness. At the closing of the chapter he writes these encouraging words, “but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Waiting on the Lord with expectation that gives courage because I know that I can rely on Him, no matter what. Even in times of bodily difficulty and when I lose hope and courage it is these texts and others that give me hope in Christ. The future that is laid away for those who love the Lord Jesus is mirrored in this verse. It gives me hope and courage to go on.

I came upon a beautiful little story from a man who came to D. L. Moody and said he was worried because he didn’t feel saved. Moody asked, “Was Noah safe in the ark?” “Certainly he was,” the man replied. “Well, what made him safe, his feeling or the ark?” The inquirer got the point. “How foolish I’ve been!” he said. “It is not my feeling; it is Christ who saves!” - D.J.D

The last months have been very busy for us with doctor visits, moving to our new home, family and many other things. We were also blessed with a week away to Southern California where God opened doors of amazing Grace. Our visit had a special purpose which I will share with you the next time.

In the mean time medical appointments keep stacking up, it being the result of the clinical study that I am involved in. I pray that God will bless the means for me and countless others that are dealing with incurable kidney cancer. I do need to mention a funny event that took place due to my medical treatments.

Several weeks ago I needed to have a Muga Scan, this is a scan that measures the condition of the heart. Chemo treatments apparently can be damaging to the heart. This scan is administered with a nuclear medicine that is injected prior to the scan and making a patient nuclear active to some degree. By request a special letter is provided that the patient has undergone this procedure in the event you cross the USA border or airport scanner. It was 2 days after my scan that we crossed over the border, with the letter, into the USA where I set of all the bells and whistles and was promptly stopped, sent inside for questioning and tested why I was radioactive. After the necessary test and questions for Henrietta and myself, and even our vehicle was tested and eventually cleared, we carried on our journey. It’s comical to experience how that a medical test can upset such a big apple cart. I have to say they do have very fine tuned scanners that read right through your car.

Lately I am also noticing that I am slowing down in actions, thinking and doing things. It is a result of Chemo treatment or so called Chemo brain. After reading about it, it makes more sense, however, it can still be frustrating at times when I want to do, say or think and it’s just not coming to me or very slow.

One more thing I like to share. In May of this year we made a trip to my native Holland to visit family and friends. It also coincided with a performance of choirs and singing. We managed to attend this event in a cathedral in Goes, The Netherlands. This cathedral in itself was awesome to see, construction of this church started in the 12th century with an amazing history and acoustics. This event was televised and it finally was posted last week. If you have 30 minutes and you like singing as we do, you may want to watch it. They even put us in the picture several times. To us it was a blessed time; I hope it will be the same for you.

From now on I will try to post more often and on a more regular basis as it was before. I find it good for myself and to reflect on the blessings that God sends us each day. Please don’t take life for granted, not only is it fragile, it is the gift of God, so use it well. Thank you for your prayers. God be with you.