As I lay under the radiation machine in the hospital this week, storms swarmed my little ship, yet I knew that Jesus was laying beside me giving me calm in my soul. I knew that my ship would not sink, how could it, Jesus was on board with me and this song came to mind. I love listening to music, Psalms , Hymns and Spiritual songs. One of the Dutch Psalms that came to me at that time is Psalm 121 “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come." Here is the link if you like to listen to it.
Here are the words to Psalm 121 in Dutch
'k Sla d' ogen naar 't gebergte heen,
Vanwaar ik dag en nacht
Des Hoogsten bijstand wacht.
Mijn hulp is van den HEER alleen,
Die hemel, zee en aarde
Eerst schiep, en sinds bewaarde.
Hij is, al treft u 't felst verdriet,
Uw wachter, die uw voet
Voor wankelen behoedt;
Hij, Isrels Wachter, sluimert niet;
Geen kwaad zal u genaken;
De HEER zal u bewaken.
Zijn wacht, waarop men hopen mag,
Zal, daar zij u bedekt,
En u ter schaduw strekt,
De maan bij nacht, de zon bij dag,
In koud' en gloed vermind'ren,
Opdat zij u niet hind'ren.
De HEER zal u steeds gadeslaan,
Opdat Hij in gevaar,
Uw ziel voor ramp bewaar';
De HEER, 't zij g' in of uit moogt gaan,
En waar g' u heen moogt spoeden,
Zal eeuwig u behoeden.
There are at times fears of my little ship going down into the waves that wash over me, it is songs like these that lift me high above my circumstances and it is those times that Jesus rebukes the winds and sea and gives great calm in my soul, even overpowering the pain in my body.
Last Tuesday was supposed to be my last radiation treatment on my spine/neck area, however a visit with my Radiation Oncologist changed that and another 5 treatments followed on my pelvis/femur bone which will be finished on June 10.
The Oncologist spoke about the concern she has about the pelvis area, how that the cancer has weakened the bones to the point that a fall could cause a fracture of the bones. She warned me to be careful at all times to prevent falls that could cause serious injury.
Due to an increase in pain from radiation and cancer growth, doctors have also increased the pain medication. The increase in medication is affecting more than suppressing my pain. It affects my thinking and writing and I am no longer permitted to drive because it affects my actions and reactions.
Writing is also becoming more difficult, trying to keep my mind on the things I write about can be challenging with the increased medications. I am thankful for the help I get from Henrietta to correct a some words or sentences.
I thank you all for your continued prayers for us. God be with you and bless you.
From every stormy wind that blows,
From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat;
’Tis found beneath the mercy seat.
Hugh Stowell
From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat;
’Tis found beneath the mercy seat.
Hugh Stowell
Lieve vrienden, dit is een grote beproeving. We bidden dat de Heiland met jullie zal zijn in deze storm. "Wanneer gij zult gaan door het water, Ik zal bij u zijn." (Jesaja 43 : 2a). Groeten van Ariëtte en Cees van Breugel
ReplyDeleteDear John & Henrietta:
ReplyDeleteIt is always our relationship to the Lord that gives us the comfort and daily strength we need. When Jesus is in our “boat” we have nothing to fear even when the circumstances look fearful. When Jesus says we are going to the other side, we are guaranteed a safe arrival but not necessarily a smooth sailing. Jesus, while He seems asleep, He never actually slumbers nor sleeps because He is the one Who keeps Israel (his people) in His tender care and weeps with them in their sorrow. (John 11:35). What God allows to happen in our lives we cannot understand, but we do know that whatever circumstances befall us, he will turn it for our good in the end. (Rom. 8:28) The challenge for us all is surrender all to Him and to commit our ways to the Lord and he will direct our paths. (Prov. 3:6)
All to Jesus I surrender;
all to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
in His presence daily live.
All to Jesus I surrender;
make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
fill me with Thy love and power;
truly know that Thou art mine.
In our daily prayers and thoughts,
Love, Gerrit & Connie