2 Cor. 4 16-18

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Saturday 12 March 2011

Our Hope

Our only hope is found in the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ. 
Friday we visited the Lung Specialist in Surrey; it was a relief to get a little bit more information.  The results were already available from the CT Scan taken on Wednesday , for which we are very thankful, this normally takes one week. 
The second CT Scan revealed that John has a large tumour on the left kidney (the tumour is twice the size of the kidney), the right kidney is healthy. The left lung has a tumour but the right lung is healthy and the adrenal gland is enlarged.  The liver has spots on it but appear to be benign.  The concern is the kidney at this point and determining if the cancer started in the kidney.  It  appears that the surgeon will remove the affected kidney quite soon.

The Lord is indeed doing marvellous things. While traveling home from the Lung  Specialist in Surrey we received a call from the Kidney Specialist to see him for a visit and further diagnosis on March 15. We hope to update our blog after this visit.
The prognosis still is serious but our Heavenly Father has carried us through this in such a remarkable way having peace to rest in His will and taking one day at a time.  As we left the doctor’s office I was singing in my heart “My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness.”  Oh how sweet it is to trust in Jesus.  We covet your prayers for our needs and we are thankful for all of your prayers, the Lord is hearing them all.

My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand;
all other ground is sinking sand,
all other ground is sinking sand.
When Darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace.
in every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in him be found!
Dressed in his righteousness alone,
faultless to stand before the throne.

His oath, his covenant, his blood
supports me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
he then is all my hope and stay.


  1. Thank you for your testimony of faith and hope in difficult and painful circumstances. We pray that God will continue to fill you with His hope and peace.

  2. Dear John & Henrietta:

    We journey with you through this challenge you face, and glad to know your strength lies in the Lord. Once again this reminds us that we are but pilgrims in this life and just passing through. We also understand our ties to these temporal things in life -family and loved ones and so many things to live for. Suddenly God gives us a different vision - a vision more heavenward. Also God teaches us to have our "house in order" should we have to leave this life suddenly. And in such cases as yours, there is time to do that.

    This world is not my home I'm just a passing through
    My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue
    The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
    And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
    Oh Lord you know I have no friend like you
    If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do
    The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
    And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

    In the meantime we pray for good recovery and lengthening of days here below with your loved ones.
    ASK - ask, seek, knock. God is gracious and merciful and promises to hear our prayers - whatever you ask in My Name, I will do it. John 14:13

    In our prayers and thoughts
    love, Gerrit & Connie

  3. Praying for peace for your whole family as you go through these difficult times. Praying for you.

  4. Approach, my soul, the mercy seat, where Jesus answers prayer; there humbly fall before His feet, for none can perish there. Thy promise is my only plea, with this I venture nigh; Thou callest burdened souls to Thee, and such, O Lord, am I. O wondrous love to bleed and die, to bear the cross and shame, that guilty sinners, such as I might plead Thy gracious Name. "Poor tempest-tossed soul, be still, my promised grace receive" 'tis Jesus speaks - I must, I will, I can, I do believe. (John Newton)
