2 Cor. 4 16-18

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer

As we clip along in the train on our way back from Portland, OR., I let my mind wander and think of the additional diagnoses I received today. It’s been a busy couple of days but thankfully we made the decision to take the Amtrak train instead of driving ourselves.

As I promised in my last post, I will share with you how I met a young man that set a good example of someone that has Christ in his heart. Nothing happens by chance, and this meeting was no exception.

This young man came to make a small repair on our new home and he asked me if I worked from home because the last time he was working at our home I was here too. I told him that the reason I was home is because of my battle with cancer. He wasted no words and without hesitation pointed me to the great Healer, Jesus Christ and told me that is where I needed to go with my cares. As you can imagine this started a very nice and spiritual conversation between us and he proceeded to tell me that his mother was also battling a serious case of cancer for the last year and that she was seeing a doctor in the USA specializing to fight cancer the natural way and through a strict diet. He suggested I’d call his mother which I did.

I again ended up with a very nice spiritual conversation with this Christian lady and she shared with me her experiences with this doctor. She suggested I contact him and to make a long story short, that is why we are sitting on a train on our way back from meeting with this doctor.This doctor is a strong Christian and a compassionate man. One of the first things he shared with me that I should not look to him for healing but that I must look to Jesus Christ for my healing. Again we had a very nice spiritual conversation.

After his hour long examination he revealed more than I expected. It again made me realize that we are a weak and feeble people as it says in 1 Peter 1:24 for all flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, 25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.

The doctor told us that besides the cancer in my lungs, spine and some bones he informed me that the colon, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney and prostrate all are in the early stages of cancer. As you understand it was not what we hoped for and it brought home again the reality of my illness.The doctor pointed out the seriousness of my cancer and again told me to bring this burden to our great Burden bearer Jesus Christ. He offered his help, one of these being on a very strict diet. I accepted and hope to meet him again Lord willing in 6 weeks or so. I felt as we parted ways as if we had known each other for a long time.

Life goes on and as I travel the road of cancer I pray for peace in my heart, Gods leading, strength and grace to carry Henrietta and myself through these trials. I ask that you will continue to uphold us in your prayers and thank you for your care.

Hope is a beautiful word and I often think of hope and often experience hope. Romans 12: 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Be blessed and be a blessing to those around you.
Just I was finishing off this posting I received an email with a meditation from Thomas Watson. I will share this timely gem with you.

The more pains we have taken for Heaven--the
sweeter Heaven will be when we come there.
When a farmer has long been working hard--it
is pleasant to enjoy the fruit of his labors. Just so,
when in Heaven, we shall remember our former
zeal and earnestness for the kingdom--which
will sweeten Heaven.

It will add to the joy of heaven, for a Christian to
ponder, "Such a day I spent in examining my heart.
Such a day I was weeping for sin. When others
were at their amusements--I was at prayer.
And now, have I lost anything by my devotion? No!
My tears are wiped away, and the wine of paradise
cheers my heart. I now enjoy Him whom my soul
loves! I am possessed of a glorious kingdom! My
labor is over--but my joy remains forever!"

"Better is one day in Your courts than a
thousand elsewhere!" Psalm 84:10
Heaven will make amends for all!


  1. Sure hope this diet works for you! Are you starting it now or in 6 weeks??
    Yes, God is the Healer... He alone can do it! Especially with cancer: there has to be a divine intervention!
    Was good to see you and Henrietta Sunday!
    Keep looking up!!!

  2. Your always in our prayers, John and Henrietta.... Trusting that God will provide what you need, the strength, the peace, the grace to help you each day...

  3. We will continue to pray for you daily. We are so glad that you have the Lord to turn to. He is a wonderful Comforter and is always near you. May you continue to experience His peace.

    Bernie and Diana Meinen

  4. As always you are in our thoughts and prayers dear John and Henrietta. Go forward, trusting in your heavenly Father as you have been doing, His will be done! ......on earth as it is in heaven, each day seeking your "daily bread" from Him, who knows all your needs and cares!

    Love Henry and Jenny

  5. Thanks again for continuing to share your life’s journey. We all struggle with the realities and issues of life and death. Life, as we know it, is but a temporary journey.

    While God has numbered our days, that number is different for each person. And God has built within each person a desire for eternal perfect life. While many seek it in wrong places and with temporary stuff, we know that outside of our Triune God, that eternal perfect life can never be found.
    Eccl. 3:11 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart;

    As Christians we have that relationship and daily walk with our God. But even with that, we still struggle with the issues of life and death. Sometimes we see them both as evils not knowing which is worse: life with all its temptations and sin and corruption and hatred, degenerating into the lifestyle of Sodom, or death which at times seems scary and also means a separation from loved ones.

    But by God’s grace, we can see both life and death as blessings and opportunities. Life gives us opportunities, like you well know, to witness for Christ and to work in His Vineyard to promote His Kingdom and glory and to lay up treasures in heaven and to enjoy our daily walk with Him and the blessings He provides.
    Death is also a blessing where we no longer see through a glass darkly but will see our Savior face to face – the One Who loved us to the extent He would die for us to make us whole and give us eternal life.

    So this was also the tension in the life of Paul: Philippians 1: 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;

    Remaining here means:
    - A temporary residence
    - Suffering mixed with joy
    - Suffering for a while
    - Being absent from the Lord
    - The fight against sin and self
    - Living in the realm of sin

    Departing to be with Christ means;
    - a permanent abode
    - joy unmixed with suffering
    - eternal joy
    - at home with the Lord
    - a feast
    - perfect deliverance from sin and living in pure holiness

    So these issues are all a matter of perspective. But the reality is that we still live in the flesh and have to deal with our fleshly limitations of faith and fear in our vision about life and death.

    Philippians 1 29 For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, 30 having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me.

    Commending you to the care of our gracious God,

    Gerrit & Connie
