2 Cor. 4 16-18

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Saturday 16 April 2011

The Robin

Last Thursday I received my PET scan and I hope to get the detailed results on April 21. In the meantime we wait, trusting in the Lord. Many blessings are coming our way in different ways. God continues to open doors for us to speak to people and also sends people our way to bless us. I also want to thank those who have left such encouraging messages on this blog.

Yesterday morning Henrietta and I were very blessed when we started our day with reading our devotion together. We found it so touching, so fitting for us, I want to share it with you and hope that you will be blessed by it too.

Thank you for your prayers, God is upholding us in remarkable ways.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26: 3
One evening a young man being interviewed on television was asked for his definition of happiness. He paused a moment, then answered, “I would define happiness as having inner peace.”
Today many people are seeking a peace of heart and mind. God’s Word assures us that there is a STATE of perfect peace. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace.” We can have perfect peace in the midst of life’s turmoil. It gives no place to worry. It does not come from human effort or circumstances. It is a state of continual, unbroken peace. “You will guard him and keep him in perfect  peace and constant peace  (Isa. 26:3).
It is a supernatural peace with its source in God Himself “THOU will keep.” It is available to us in the person of Jesus Christ. The promise of it is certain, “thou WILT keep.”
The SECRET of peace is “...a mind stayed on thee.”  In this verse, the word for “mind” includes the thoughts and imaginations of the mind. Fear and distress can fill our minds, causing anxiety and worry as a result of our imaginings. Satan often attacks the mind, for he knows a distressed mind can cause a distraught life.
The STEADFASTNESS of this peace comes from trusting Him.  “Because he trusteth in THEE.”  The trusting is our part, the keeping is His.
We may receive distressing news. Trouble may befall us. Our lives may be completely shaken.  God’s promise of perfect peace is for us in the midst of these difficulties. God enables us to remain calm during such experiences.
Two artists each painted a picture illustrating rest. The first artist painted a scene showing a still lake of water among the far-off mountains. The second artist drew a thundering waterfall with a slender branch of a tree bending over the foam. At the fork of the branch, almost wet with spray from the waterfall, sat a robin on its nest. This was the real picture of rest in the midst of storm and turbulence.
“Oh, for the peace of a perfect trust, my loving God in thee; unwavering faith that never doubts.  Thou chooses best for me.”
Taken from (Be still and Know – Millie Stamm)


  1. Dear John & Henrietta - strength for the waiting time - results maybe tomorrow? Praying that you will be covered in His Peace, and be able to trust in the Him! Love, John & Jen & fam

  2. This is one of my favorite texts so Thank you for posting a devotion about it!
    We've been checking your blog regularly and are praying for you & the family. So thankful for your testimony of trusting God and pray that He will carry you and give you that peace in the times ahead. Love Allan & Elena Les

  3. Thank-you for being such a wonderful blessing! You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Jody

  4. Dear John, Henrietta and family,
    Thinking about you all, especially tomorrow!
    You are in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord, Who never makes mistakes be your Strength and Comfort.
    Love, Theo & Barb and family
