2 Cor. 4 16-18

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Thursday 29 March 2012

For I know the plans I have for you..........

Plans, we make them every day, even as little as going to the grocery store. Everything is planned; we can’t do without doing some kind of planning in our life. I do the same, although I have to say that my planning does no longer include long term planning like I use to do. Yesterday this again became a reality for me as I plan, hope and pray for certain things, however God has His own plan set out for you and me.

This is the Bible text that caught my attention this morning and again made me aware that everthing is Gods plan, not ours. Jeremiah, 29:11For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Myself and many other people prayed for me to be cured from cancer and I had great hopes that I would hear good news from the Oncologist, however, it was the opposite. As I mentioned in another posting, I had asked for a second opinion on my condition and to be seen by another Oncologist and asked to be sent to the Vancouver Cancer Centre, both requests were granted several weeks ago.

Our visit at the Vancouver centre started with an Oncologist from Australia who is here on a one year visit to study more on cancer. He said "I won’t forget you anymore; you are my first Canadian patient I get to see". He was very thorough and went into great detail with many questions. After one hour another Oncologist joined us, they both had studied the CT scan results and the treatment history of the last year. I was amazed that we were able to spend two full hours with two very nice and knowledgeable Oncologists. It was a very blessed and worthwhile visit where I learned a lot.

I was told that the cancer continues to grow, although not rapidly, there is growth and every time a little adds up to more each day. The Adrenal gland also showed an increase in size, both Oncologists believed that it was due to the cancer having metastasized to this organ. However, no definite conclusion was made and there is little that can be done about it. Surgery is not an option because the other Adrenal gland was taken away in July and every person needs at least one. I was also made aware that Kidney cancer is a cancer that is very unpredictable, able to flare up at any time and able to take over rapidly.

The end result was that I was given several choices. I could go back to my original Oncologist or more Chemo Therapy treatments or two more months without doing anything and take the “wait and see” approach. With the input and approval of both Oncologists I choose the option of two more months of no treatment followed by a CT scan. They both felt that it would be safe to do so; however, if complications would arise I can go in and see them at any time.

I also made the decision to continue my visits at the Vancouver Cancer Centre where I will be treated and/or advised by both these Oncologists. I believe this to be quite unique and see it as a huge blessing to have two Oncologists who are so knowledgeable and caring. This means a little further to travel but I am willing to do that. I must give a big thank you to those who treated me at the Abbotsford Cancer Centre with great care and love. We will continue to pray for the Oncologist at this Cancer centre who tried his utmost to make it all work.

Of course I would have loved to hear a different message from these doctors, but this is the way God is planning it. There must be a purpose and reason, otherwise it would be different. I am much at peace with it, so is Henrietta. No matter how difficult or intense the battle may become, if we enter the battle with Jesus we will always be victorious, even if it means death. 1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I know that many wonder how long I will fight this battle with cancer and how long I will possibly live. I can’t answer that question, however, I know and believe that God has this in His hands and I can say “Amen” to the text from Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

But what about you, are you going to see tomorrow? Are you ready to meet your Maker? Don’t take for granted that tomorrow is yours, God may have different plans.

Where you die—when you die—or by what means is scarcely worth a thought, if you do but die in Christ. Roland Hill (1744-1833)

The clip that I posted is one that I used before, I find it a powerful example and worthwhile to watch.
I thank you so much again for showing your cares and prayers in so many ways.

God bless you all.



  1. Dear John and Henrietta

    Thanks again for sharing! It is not the news we had hoped for, but God is in control...He has everything in His holy hands, and what He does is good...ALWAYS!!! If we can rest in that, we can be at peace even during difficult times. Lean hard on your Lord and continue to trust Him only!

    Love Henry and Jenny

  2. Dear John & Henrietta:

    As you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers in your circumstances, it is clear that God is not like a doting grandfather who will not say “no” to anything his grandchildren ask, since God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. What He wants first and foremost is relationship with Him. And that is an inestimable blessing in our daily lives as you experience that from day to day. We have prayed for you many times, and it seems that God’s ways are not our ways. Are we disappointed with God? Are we disappointed with ourselves seeing what havoc sin has brought into this world? Yes, we have a God Who will walk with us in our situations, for the God we serve is a relational God and personal.
    From Scripture it is clear that God did not answer every prayer of His people as they desired it. God did not prevent Stephen’s stoning or the beheading of James and John the Baptist. He did not keep trials and pain from Job or any of His saints. But He was there with them in their situations – He felt their pain because our Jesus was like us in all things. He too, knew very well the pain of suffering even more than we can imagine. And so He is able and willing to help and support us in all our trials and pains we go through in this life.

    When answers aren’t enough, there is Jesus
    He is more than just an answer to our prayers
    And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge.
    When answers aren't enough, He is there.

    Indeed, God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for us so we could have life now, abundantly and eternally have relationship with Him. This is what we remember once again this lent season and what that means for each of us personally. This is a matter we will never fully comprehend – the depth and length and breadth of His love for us!
    So let us never doubt His love or good intentions even when His answers to our prayers may seem disappointing at the moment and we may even have fears that our enemies may mock with us for the faith we have in Him as they only see futility in trusting and serving our gracious God. In the spiritual realm, things are truly not the same as they may appear on the outside to unbelievers and to the natural mind. Think of the deal God made with the devil in Job’s life that he was not aware of. Yes, God has His own wise ways that will shine bright at the end.
    Job 5:11 As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

    Commending you to His continued grace and care,


    Gerrit & Connie

  3. Dear John and Henrietta:

    As you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers, we have heard of your doctor’s report that seems very disappointing to us. We have prayed and continue to pray for your healing. Cleary, God is not a doting grandfather who simply gives everything his grandchildren ask for, and that for good reasons since His ways are not our ways and His thoughts much higher than our thoughts. God did not stop the stoning of Stephen nor the beheading of John the Baptist and James, but He was with them in their situations. First and foremost, He desires relationship with us as you experience that from day to day.
    This is what we remember again this lent season that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to die for us so we could have life abundantly and graciously now and forever. Yes, our Jesus knows what it is like to suffer, more than we will ever know, and that for our sakes.
    Perhaps we are disappointed with God? Perhaps disappointed with ourselves seeing what havoc sin has brought into this world? Jesus was tempted in all things and knows what it is like to suffer so He can and will support us in our situations. Perhaps we are afraid of what unbelieving onlookers will say about our faith in God as they may see our faith as futility and even mock with it. But God’s ways will shine in the end to His praise and our eternal good.
    We live by faith and not by sight. Job had no idea about God’s deal with the devil and He has not withheld suffering and pain from any of His saints then and now. So we know God has a specific good plan for each of His dear children, and we just have to trust Him.

    When answers aren't enough, there is Jesus,
    He is more than just an answer to your prayer,
    And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge.
    When answers aren't enough, He is there.

    James 5:11 As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

    And so we have a God and Savior Who walks with us and talks with us along life’s journey and will lead us to Himself closer and closer.

    Commending you to the care of our heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ,


    Gerrit & Connie

  4. Dear John and Henrietta!!!Our hearts were saddened by the doctors news !!and yet we truly believe in the "Great Physician""that we serve and lean on !!He truly has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives!! and right now we just see the now and yet we know who holds our future and we know who holds our hands!!we will soo continue to pray for healing and for strength for you each day as Jesus walks with you and talks to you !!Love and prayers~Esther and Harry

  5. Yes, indeed...HIS Eternal plans are for our good and for HIS glory! Thank you for taking the time to encourage us while you continue to have your own battles with your health. God is Good. Always. And we rest in HIS Sovereign care over us. May HE continue to give you grace for these days. And may HE continually be your source of comfort and joy. We so appreciated you telling us that you are praying for Austin. We have prayed for you as well and will be able to do so more intelligently now that we have access to your blog. :)

    Many Blessings,
    Camille (for Howie and the children)
    Isaiah 26:3-4

  6. So sorry...I left the comment (above) while signed into my gmail account. :) This one properly links to who we are.

    Camille et al

  7. Hello John,

    It was a blessing to read your posting brother. Your reliance on the living God is a gem; a tangible reality of His grace in this world where nothing should go right.

    We continue to pray for you and Henrietta and your family.

    "Great God, how infinite art thou! How poor and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, and pay their praise to thee" - Isaac Watts.

    "Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread are big with mercy, and shall break in blessings on your head" - William Cowper.

    “…the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet” (Nahum 1:3).

    “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need"(Hebrews 4:16).

    Know that we are praying for you, that the Lord would intervene to bring you healing for His glory and your good; and also praying if the Lord has far better plans (somehow, though our natural vision will not necessarily perceive that route), that His grace, peace and overwhelming assurance of your certain standing will be yours in Christ to rejoice upon! Indeed, you HAVE been cured John, healed from the greatest of diseases, far greater than a bodily disease that can only touch the flesh (Psalm 103:1-4). Eternal perspective provides the genuine context; stay there by His constant aid.

    In Christ's love,

    Howie (Camille's husband)
