2 Cor. 4 16-18

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Saturday 17 March 2012

So let your light shine.

A father searched in a dark cellar for the leaking pipe while his son held a bright shining flashlight. Distracted for a moment, the son inadvertently turned off the light. The father said to the son “Shine your light” so I can see.

We have been chosen by Jesus himself to shine brightly for Him here on earth. Jesus said "You are the light of the world". A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14. We are living in a dark and troubled world that needs light, the light of the Gospel. God expects us to be this shining light, but before we can be the light of the world, Jesus must be the shining light in us.

There is great joy and satisfaction in sharing the Gospel. The 10 minute video in this posting is amazing to watch. It was taken in the Eastern Highlands of West Papua, Indonesia where the Kimyal Tribe lives. It shows how that after many years they received the Gospel for the first time in their own language with great joy. They are sustenance farmers who were untouched by the outside world until World Team missionaries Phil & Phyliss Masters brought the Gospel to their area in 1963.Phil Masters was martyred in 1968 when he and fellow missionary Stan Dale were killed and cannibalized by the Yale tribe. Over time the Gospel took hold in the hearts of these tribal people. The Kimyals have a great love and desire for the Word of God. The World Team missionaries that came after the Masters have been witnesses of this.

If you share the Gospel with others you too will witness great joy in people when they turn to Christ and you will rejoice with them. View this video here with full screen and with your sound on. It’s amazing how much joy the Gospel brings. Are you ready to share the Gospel?

As for myself, I am doing amazingly well. I feel good, eat well and sleep well and wonder if God is healing me. We all prayed for it and I can’t wait to get the results of my CT scan on March 28. It’s going to be a big day. We serve a great and mighty God.

Thank you for the many well wishes. God bless you all.


  1. Great to watch this video again!
    I am moved to tears at how they treasure the written Word of God with utmost respect and honour, while in North America we can see Bibles tossed aside all the time, because they are "too old" or "not being used" or "we already have too many" or whatever the reason may be... truly humbling to see. Praise God for people who translate Bibles into all kinds of languages!! Thanks for sharing :)

    That is truly amazing that you are feeling so well, John! What a blessing. You guys are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we will be praying for good news on the 28th!!

  2. I have watched these many times, breathtaking! Praying with you.
